Machine failures in mining: knowing failure is coming doesn’t mean knowing what to do about it.

IMARC 2022

December 14, 2022

Getting the best out of the equipment and running it at an optimum level are two main focus points for every mining company. In a recent interview with Sean Fox at IMARC 2022, Michael Zolotov, the CTO and co-founder of Razor Labs, discussed the mining industry’s challenges and solutions regarding predictive maintenance. 

Michael spoke about Razor Labs’ Data Mind AI™ platform that utilizes Sensor Fusion and AI to pinpoint the exact root cause of failures and provide clear steps to resolve the issue, saving time and preventing further failures. 

In addition to improving efficiency and downtime, Data Mind AI™ also helps with sustainability goals and eases the workload of machine maintenance teams. Watch the full interview to learn more about how Razor Labs revolutionizes predictive maintenance in the mining industry.