Webinar: Realizing the Full Potential of Predictive Maintenance Programs

by Michael Zolotov
4 min read

March 10, 2023

Why do Predictive Maintenance Programs often fail to generate value for mining companies?

Razor Labs has recently collaborated with Austmine,  the leading industry association for the Australian Mining Equipment, Technology, and Services (METS) sector for a webinar “Realizing the Full Potential of Predictive Maintenance Programs”.

In this webinar, Michael Zolotov, the CTO & Co-Founder of Razor Labs, talked about the top misconceptions that prevent Predictive Maintenance initiatives from being translated into tangible value. He shared field-proven strategies implemented by leading miners in Australia, transforming Predictive Maintenance initiatives into value drivers.

Would like to learn more about DataMind AI Predictive Maintenance solution? Schedule a discovery call today.